Marketing can take a huge chunk of your revenue. This is a potential problem for small businesses. The inability to have your business in people’s minds is bad for business, and if you are on a low budget, you have to get creative in the way you market your business. The ideas below will help you if you have a small budget but still need to market your business.
Start by Expanding Your Network
Expanding your network can have a positive effect on your business’s reach. Here are a few ideas for expanding your network:
- ● Attend trade shows – Trade shows will give you a lot of traction if you plan things properly. You might have to pay for a stand, but the number of people you will reach will make it worth it. If you are extremely limited in how much you can spend, you can get a stand with a friend who also owns a small business. That way, the amount you spend on the trade show booth will be halved.
- ● Join business groups and organisations – This is the best way to network. Joining such groups will also open up opportunities to meet other business people and their customers, some of who can become yours. Many businesses use mastermind groups (learn about mastermind groups here) to put their minds together and unlock their full business potential. Making sure to expand your contacts is a crucial way to succeed as a business owner.
- ● Join local networking groups – These are different from business groups and organisations because local networking groups give you the advantage of reaching those in your immediate vicinity, especially if your target demographic is people in your locality.
- ● Participate in local activities – This is a good way to meet potential customers while giving back to the community.
- ● Research places where your clients frequent – Your clients or customers might not be in your local vicinity. If they are not, find out where they hang out or meet and go there.
- ● Learn to win people over – Practice talking about your business. Practice telling people what you do or sell without rambling. People are less likely to understand what you are saying if you ramble on. Also, learn how to talk to different people. The way you talk to a customer is very different from the way you would talk to another businessman from whom you need leads.
- ● Ask for referrals – Learn to ask for referrals and ask for them. People are likely to give you referrals if they know what you do and you ask for one.
Attract New Customers
If you feel your business is plateauing, find ways to attract new customers. Some creative ways to do so include:
- ● Create a brochure – A brochure is an inexpensive way to let people who listen to your pitches take your information with them. They also work really well when talking to potential customers and can also be sent out as pieces of advertisement.
- ● Create a brand – A simple branding idea is to get a logo and a tagline and then use them in all your stationery and emails. People might get curious about your business and reach out when your logo is in front of them.
- ● Organise classes and workshops – These can be a great way to teach people about your products and can be a good way to connect with old and new customers.
- ● Consider cross-promotion – Cross-promotion entails enlisting other businesses that can advertise and sell your products and you can do the same for them. Cross-promotion can lower your advertising costs further and can benefit all businesses involved.
- ● Send promotional material with your invoice – You can use the material to tell your customers about your new products, discounts, deals or anything else about your business.
- ● Create a newsletter – This is a great way to tell people about your business when they find you online. You can also use it to tell people all about your products.
- ● Get free publicity – Try to get the media involved during events like anniversaries, sales, openings or charity events you participate in.
Go Online
There is immense value in having an online presence. People can learn about your business and even buy from you online. Here are a few tips to getting a strong online presence:
- ● Start with a website – A website should be the first thing you do once you start thinking of getting an online presence. A website is an inexpensive tool that works for your business if used right and it makes people find you easier. If you want to go a step further, get an e-commerce website. Here, you can tell people about your business while allowing people to buy from you.
- ● Create a blog – Blogging can bring more people to your website, thereby helping you expand your reach and your business. Have a content marketing strategy in place, post often, and share valuable information that your visitors will love.
- ● Get your social media accounts up – Social media, due to its interactive nature, can give your business the boost it needs. New customers can find you here and you can talk to them directly to sell to them or resolve any issues they may have. A good presence on Facebook and Twitter is invaluable.
- ● Advertise on social media – Although you may be on a small budget, advertising on social media would take about 5 a day and bring thousands of customers to your social media pages or website.
- ● Create a video about your business and post it on YouTube.
- ● Get posts about your business published on other people’s blogs for a bigger online reach.
Be Bold
When you are marketing on a small budget, it pays to be bold. Don’t hesitate to ask for what you need or seek help, especially from experienced professionals. For businesses looking to enhance their marketing strategy without the cost of a full-time executive, considering a fractional CMO Dallas (or elsewhere) could be a game-changer. These part-time Chief Marketing Officers bring high-level expertise to your team, helping you develop and execute effective marketing plans within your budget constraints.
With expert guidance, don’t shy away from strategies like cold-calling, which can help you directly connect with potential clients. Advertising on a vehicle can turn your daily commute into a mobile marketing campaign, increasing brand visibility. Even applying for business awards can provide valuable exposure and credibility for your company.
Be a Business Leader
Business owners should understand that they are the biggest marketing assets their businesses have. If you want more customers or want to have cross-promotions with other businesses, it pays to be a business leader. A Doctor of Business Administration degree from a learning provider like Aston University Online will help you get the necessary credentials to become a business leader.
Having a small marketing budget is not unusual for a small business. Because of this, small business owners have to think of creative ways to market their businesses. Even with all the tips above, you can still find additional creative ways to market your business without spending a ton of money.