Digital marketing tips for money lenders

Digital marketing tips for money lenders

Having an effective digital marketing strategy is more important than ever before. Successfully engaging your target audience, increasing brand awareness and tracking your return on investment could be the difference between your company thriving or failing.

After Becoming a hard money lender, how can you promote your business so that you can reach a large audience? Some of the marketing tips that could be helpful in this regard are discussed below.

Make use of PPC

PPC or Pay-Per-Click has proven itself to be an indispensable tool for digital marketing. With the power of PPC by your side, you can create targeted ads that can appear on search engines and social media platforms. Plus, PPC can offer instant visibility, unmatched flexibility, and the unparalleled ability to track and measure campaign performance. What’s more? With the help of PPC Management Consultants, you can generate leads, increase brand awareness, boost sales, and achieve your digital marketing goals efficiently. PPC can also be integrated well with other digital marketing channels. It can add to your SEO efforts by offering instant visibility to your website.

Boost your social media posts

Be active on social media. This doesn’t mean posting every hour or churning out stuff that isn’t relevant to your business. It means delivering consistent, relevant and strategic social posts that will interest your target audience, increase brand awareness and help achieve your business goals. For money lending companies, this may be links to useful guides, money management tips and informative video content, for example. To increase the reach and engagement of your posts, it’s worth boosting them with spend. Ensure you factor this into your overall marketing budget.

Offer helpful content to consumers

One of the best ways to engage your audience is to generate great quality content. By becoming a current or potential customer’s ‘go-to’ for advice or information, they are more likely to choose your services going forward. And well-optimised content will help to increase your visibility in search engines by boosting your rankings. This should increase traffic to your site, and therefore increase conversions. The key is to produce engaging, well-thought-out and original content that adequately answers the questions your target audience are asking. Avoid writing content about topics outside of your industry or expertise; for instance, you may wish to offer advice on credit scores, saving money and other finance topics.

Be mobile-orientated

Currently, there are around 3.2 billion smartphone users across the globe. That’s massive. Especially considering there’s an estimated 7.7 billion people in the world – meaning over 40% of the entire global population own a smartphone. And, recent data has shown that mobile devices accounted for 52.6% of global website traffic in the fourth quarter of 2019, showing how important it is for businesses to optimise their sites for mobile. If your website isn’t particularly mobile-friendly right now, it’s well worth investing in a new design that is. A user-friendly site will encourage customers to stay for longer, in turn increasing customer conversions.

Having a strong online presence and effective marketing strategy is essential for business success. Which of these tips will you implement first?