The construction world is experiencing an undeniable change due to an increasingly tough market. But what consequences does this dynamism bring to the sector? Basically that the competition is increasing exponentially since the demand is.
This will cause you to ask questions, for example, how to attract more customers?
Effective Strategies In Marketing For Construction Companies
If you are the owner of a construction company, subcontracting company, a company dealing with general contractors jacksonville fl, or wherever in the world you are, or specialist building services company, you know that the marketing plan must focus on finding clients with genuine buying potential. It is normal that sometimes you lose focus a bit and use tactics that at first glance seem effective, but that in reality lack a strategy to reach real customers.
To explain this point a little more, these types of plans are in danger of being victims of the “Facebook effect”, where the reach creates a mirage of good results, but this is not exactly the case.
For example, imagine that you are a building compliance services company and publish details and photos of a sound insulation testing project done by your company and that’s it! Suddenly you have hundreds or thousands of likes on your campaign. After looking at the scope of your publication and analyzing a little more in detail, you realize that the ratio between the clients who liked and those who hired your services is disconcerting.
Would you consider that the campaign was effective if it achieved a lot of interaction but only one project involving sound insulation testing was invoiced? Of course not.
Remember, strategies should always be exclusively focused on attracting people that are interested in hiring your services, and convincing them that you are the best choice. How can you do it? – by employing marketing strategies that can have more effect on customers to turn them into leads.
For instance, if you are considering online or direct marketing strategies, you can look for digital posters that may have scientific backing to them. These posters can have vibrant colors, custom drawings, a QR code linked to the business site, and more. You can circulate such posters online on social media and other platforms or print them in various mediums to give out to people (learn more here).
Get To Know Your Customers And Offer Your Help
Employ an effective strategy and avoid wasting time and money using tactics that just don’t work (or at least not as they should). For example, have you heard about inbound marketing for construction companies? This is a specialized method that is responsible for bringing companies in the construction industry closer to real clients and guaranteeing increased sales within a specific time.
Inbound marketing allows you to optimize money and increase the base of real stakeholders with meticulously segmented strategies and exclusively for those who are potential future customers.
Strategies That Connect With The Customer
Employing an optimal marketing plan means having the ability to reach the ideal market, but beware, that is not the main objective. Retaining customers until they become interested is. To build trust you have to be strategic. First of all, you must establish channels to interact with your customers while you can provide quality monitoring that allows you to accompany them to a point where they identify with your brand. You should also convey relevant and useful information to your customers, such as your use of a comprehensive inspection tool for EPA compliance, which can build trust towards your company in potential clients.
Process To Attract Visitors And Make Them Customers
To give you a clearer idea of how to implement your strategies, we recommend that you follow this process:
- Create awareness
- Generate interest
- Consolidate the desire
- Make the decision
During this process, your company must know how to accompany the potential customer effectively until it guarantees the purchase decision. And what do you think inbound marketing takes care of?
Cycle Of Client Transformation With Inbound Marketing
A complete strategy must not only make sure to serve hundreds of real stakeholders in a personalized way but also to encourage them to make the decision efficiently without being intrusive. To explain a little more about how the inbound strategy works, here is the process:
Awareness: Position your website to appear on the first page of search results so that visitors can easily find you.
Interest: Prevent visitor interest from going cold. Implement a content strategy to hook visitors. Content needs to contain relevant information. It must answer queries that visitors have or answer their questions. The information should always be at their fingertips, on social networks, website, even newsletters.
Desire: Now, the follower knows about the problem and what they need. Content now needs to focus on how your products or services can help visitors directly. By the ned, the answer should be in front of their eyes, your company!
Decision: The client feels that they have obtained everything they needed to know, and is more confident about making a decision. They are ready to choose a company, and if you have done everything right, it should be your company.
Imagine having the potential to provide such a specialized and detailed service that, despite the process being for thousands of people, the client has the feeling that they have been treated as if they were the only one. Ideal, don’t you think?
An excellent marketing strategy makes the client go through a whole transformation process, and this is divided into 4 phases:
- Visitor
- Follower
- Client
- Brand ambassador
If your services meet their expectations, they will go through the final and most important stage of the process. To be a loyal customer identified with your company who would not hesitate for a second to recommend you. This will mean you can accumulate more projects within the same client portfolio.
In summary, with all the above strategies, you can get excellent results, such as lower client acquisition cost and a higher level of customer satisfaction.
For this marketing strategy to work, you must employ search engine optimization processes, effective automation campaigns, and many other analytical and creative processes that only inbound marketing can successfully deliver.