5 Foods To Keep You Going Through The Work Day

5 Foods To Keep You Going Through The Work Day

During a busy day, it’s so easy to forget to eat. But without fuel, neither your body nor mind can perform at their best. We’ve rounded up the best foods for you to include in your diet, to ensure your peak performance during the workday, and out the office too.

Go nuts

Nuts, which contain protein, fibre, and antioxidants, do a great job at keeping you feeling full for longer. The American Heart Association recommends eating four servings of unsalted nuts per week because they are also a fantastic source of unsaturated fats – that’s the good kind.

There’s a wide range to choose from – almonds, macadamias, walnuts, pecans and hazelnuts are all recommended, but try to eat them raw wherever possible to get the optimum benefit. You can eat them on their own as a snack or be trendy and toss them into a salad to add some crunch. Sprinkle over plain yoghurt and fruit for a delicious breakfast treat or turn them into a snack bar.

B is for banana

Bananas are packed with nutrition and offer a wide range of benefits just as Australian sports betting has to offer. They are rich in vitamin B, which provides energy, and pectin with is a form of fibre that helps you to feel full for longer, as well as stabilizing your blood sugar levels. They contain antioxidants, Vitamin C, and potassium, to name just a few of the other benefits. Devour them as is, or chuck into a smoothie and enjoy!

Blueberry bliss

Enter the queen of the antioxidants: the regal blueberry. This super food is low in calories and high in nutrient value – and deliciousness. You can keep them at hand as a scrumptious snack as is, add them to a smoothie, or serve them up with yoghurt for a delicious and nutritious treat.

Stay fresh with fish

Experts recommend eating oily fish two to three times a week, if possible. Oily fish contains the ‘good’ fats, which helps improve insulin sensitivity, meaning your blood sugar levels will stay more stable during the day.

If you’re not brave enough to heat up your fish leftovers in the office microwave, you can try mixing tuna into your salad of choice or make some tuna mayo to have on a sandwich or seeded crackers. Smoked salmon or trout also makes a delicious snack – serve it with cottage cheese on your favourite crackers, or replace the crackers with cucumber rounds to get more veggies in.

Cottage cheese, please

High in calcium, phosphorous and protein, but low in calories makes cottage cheese a wonderful addition to your diet, and it’s  great snack when playing games for money too. You can spice it up with some olives, sundried tomatoes or pesto, and eat it with veggie sticks, a salad or on crackers. You can also try it with fruit as a substitute for yoghurt.

Fuelling your body with the right stuff will keep you feeling good and performing at your best throughout your workday – and after. Don’t forget to drink plenty of water too – eight to 10 glasses per day is what the experts recommend.