Top Tips For Keeping Your IT Systems Secure

Top Tips For Keeping Your IT Systems Secure

When it comes to data, your business probably has a lot. You’ll probably have a database of customers, suppliers, staff details, project details and plenty of top secret information that you don’t want getting out. As a company, you have a duty to keep your customer and staff data secure. You should get the right advice and invest in the right systems to suit your specific needs. Here are some tips:

Know what data you have

You’ll need to do some research and tailor what you need to your specific company demands. Tech donut says that many businesses store information across multiple systems and in different locations, so you should think about data held on central servers as well as information stored on laptops, staff computers, smartphones, memory sticks and so on. Remember to also monitor social media accounts of staff members if this is relevant. Some companies also store information in the cloud (for example, on Google Drive) and others store data within your CRM or project management systems.

Know the VALUE of that data

Once you have built a comprehensive list of data, Tech Donut says you should examine how valuable that data is. So for instance, mission-critical data is vital – If lost, it could seriously damage your business.

Know how to back-up data

If lost, is there any way to get data back? Get a backup system in place, and ensure that one person has the task of ensuring your backup procedures are functioning properly.

Have a damage control plan and communicate.

There are many threats to your data and your business – one being cybercrime. Make yourself aware of the different kinds of cybercrime by doing enough research (maybe listen to Technology Podcasts that focuses on cybercrime). If you become a victim to cybercrime including something like a phishing attack, have a system in place to deal with this. The key is effective communication, especially with staff taking phone calls and informing customers about what to do next. Payday loan supplier Wonga, was used as the face of a phishing attack in 2015 when a hacker tried to convince customers of Wonga that a new loan was on offer for a ‘small fee.’ When Wonga found out about this (despite no security leak on their end), they proactively set up a fraud hotline and communicated with customers via their website and phone lines to ensure they knew exactly what to do and how to respond. This quick thinking meant damage was limited and customers could feel reassured that they were in safe hands as the brand was addressing the issue head on.

Don’t cheap out on security systems

It can feel like a lot of money to invest in security of your data, but you need to consider how important this data is. Invest in good, reliable systems and get some expert advice from a professional IT company if you’re in any doubt. There are companies dedicated to providing Managed IT Services for small and large businesses, and they are often equipped with the necessary tools to provide strong security support too. They can be outsourced to manage the security of your data for you, allowing you to get on with the business of running your company and not having to worry about cyber-attacks or data loss.

Tell staff

You should brief your staff about data protection and ensure you’re all on the same page when it comes to keeping data secure. Staff may unknowingly leak information which could be sensitive to your company. If you use new systems and ways of storing or saving files, keep staff updated about how to use these (so they don’t slip into old habits) and train them if necessary. If everyone is on the same page, you can be sure that your data is safe, secure and less likely to be leaked or breached!